Father Peter Hocken renewal unity of the church israel gifts of the holy spirit baptism in the holy spirit vatican two messianic jews new evangelization repentance for sins of the past tjcii pentcostalism maranatha scripture liturgy prayer tradition sacraments prophetic healing chrystology father peter hocken ecumenism history revival and renewal holy spirit liturgy and sacraments reconciliation renewal of the catholic church second coming of christ word of god

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Talks given to the Antioch Network (an international network of Christian leaders led by George Miley (Phoenix, Arizona, and Gmunden, Germany).
  • Part 1: Preparing the Way of the Lord. Describes how Fr Peter arrived at the conviction that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Pentecostal and charismatic movements is essentially to prepare for the coming of the Lord Jesus in glory.
  • Part 2: A presentation of Toward Jerusalem Council II: Vision, History, Progress and Lessons Learned (with German translation)
Programm of the Mission:
  • 13.12.2016: HOPE & JOY - JOY: Rejoice in the Lord – always (Phil. 4:4), HOPE: The meaning of Advent
  • 14.12.2015: MERCY - Year of Mercy (8.12.2015 to 20.11.2016)
  • 15.12.2015: EVANGELIZATION - New Evangelization
  • 15.12.2015: MARY - Totally faithful handmaid (servant) of the Lord

Program Rekolekcji adwentowych:
  • 13.12.2016: NADZIEJA I RADOŚĆ: Zawsze radujcie się w Panu (Flp 4:4), NADZIEJA: Znaczenie Adwentu
  • 14.12.2015: MIŁOSIERDZIE - Rok Miłosierdzia (8.12.2015-20.11.2016)
  • 15.12.2015: EWANGELIZACJA - Nowa Ewangelizacja
  • 16.12.2015: MARYJA - Całkowicie wierną służebnicą Pana
Sessions: 2 - 2011
Comme vous le savez, un document sur le Baptême dans l’Esprit Saint (l’effusion de l’Esprit) a été élaboré à la demande de l’ICCRS.
L’ICCRS avait convoqué une consultation internationale à Rome le mois de mars dernier, formée surtout de responsables dans le Renouveau, afin de discuter une esquisse du document avant la rédaction finale.
La rédaction s’est achevée au mois de septembre.
Sessions: 3 - 2015
A surprise of the Holy Spirit:
  • The core-grace or core-reality of the charismatic renewal
  • A sovereign grace of God, humanly unplanned, without human founders
  • Not a movement like the many ecclesial movements with human founders
Teaching by Peter Hocken given during Evangelization Forum in Kraków.
Sessions: 5 - 2016
Summer Camp for families and young people from Poland. There will be 4 tracs:
  • for adults
  • for teenagers 18-25
  • for teenagers 13-17
  • for children 6-12
  • for children 3-5 Father Peter is the main speaker.
Sessions: 4 - 2013
With the election of Cardinal Bergoglio as bishop of Rome and his taking the name Francis, I am reminded of similarities with the election of Cardinal Roncalli in 1958.
In both cases, there has been a major change of style, with the new Pope having an informality, a closeness to the people, a sense of humour, an obvious humility, a dislike of pomp and court ceremonial.
Sessions: 2 - 2012
The theme for both my talks is charismatic ecumenism.
The first will be more theological and more historical, providing a foundation for the second, which will be more spiritual and more practical.
I will begin by underlining some major points from the first talk.
Sessions: 3 - 2015
How to prepere for the seccond coming of the Christ.

The hope of the Holy Spirit, the Israle context and the unity of the church as a signgs of the time.
W ciągu ostatnich dziesięcioleci obserwujemy wzmożone działanie Ducha Świętego na całej ziemi. W różnych częściach świata powstają nowe grupy ludzi, zafascynowanych osobą Jezusa.
Duch Święty rozpala serca wierzących swym potężnym ogniem, odnawia ich i odbudowuje.

Wiemy, że Kościół nie mógłby istnieć, ani tym bardziej realizować zadania, jakie mu powierzył zmartwychwstały Jezus – aby iść i nauczać wszystkie narody, gdyby nie był nieustannie poruszany przez Ducha.
Sessions: 2 - 2017
The theme is Connected, based on Ephesians 4.
I want to look at this theme first in the whole epistle to the Ephesians, which is one of the most coherent letters in the Pauline writings.
We can only understand Chapter 4 correctly in the context of the whole letter and especially of the preceding chapters.
I love this letter to the Ephesians. People have told me that my ministry is a big picture ministry, presenting the whole plan of God in its overall coherence and unity.
Ephesians is very much a big picture letter, though it combines this huge vision with much practical teaching.
Duch Święty objawia i wywyższa Jezusa! Tylko przez Ducha Świętego możemy poznać Jezusa.
Duch Święty objawia Jezusa, rzucając światło na Słowo Boże, szczególnie:
  • przez słowa Jezusa
  • przez Ewangelie

Sessions: 5 - 2003
La nature même de l’Eglise dans le NT, c’est la reconciliation des Juifs et des Païens à travers le sang et la croix de Jésus.
C’est l’enseignement de l’épître aux Ephésiens 2:11 à 3:6:
"afin de créer en lui-même avec les deux un sel homme nouveau, en établissant la paix, et de les réconcilier, l’un et l’autre en un seul corps, avec Dieu par la croix, en détruisant par elle l’inimitié".
C’est juste que ces versets font notre point de depart pour une théologie, une connaissance chrétienne, et donc pour une pratique chrétienne de la reconciliation.
Ici nous touchons les racines les plus profondes.
Notre salut en tant que des gens des origines païennes ne vient pas simplement de la mort d’un Sauveur universel, un homme générique, mais de la mort d’un homme particulier venant d’un peuple particulier: Jésus, un juif de Nazareth, le Messie d’Israel.
Sessions: 4 - 2015
Since the election of Pope Francis, a new era in Catholic – Evangelical relations has opened up.
Francis is the first pope to have had close brotherly relationships with Evangelical and Pentecostal pastors before his election, and the first pope to be accustomed to praying spontaneously with them.
Sessions: 3 - 2014
Christian eschatology (belief in the second coming of the Lord in glory; the establishment of the Kingdom of God in its fullness; the judgment; new heavens and new earth) is NOT an Addendum or Appendix to Christian faith!
This title is one way of describing the journey of renewal in the Catholic Church in modern times.

From a Church largely unaware of a need for renewal (the self-referential church of Pope Francis) to a Church knowing it is constantly in need of deep renewal.
"Christ summons the church, as she goes her pilgrim way, to that continual reformation of which she always has need, insofar as she is a human institution here on earth." (Decree on Ecumenism, para. 6).
Required: "a permanent renewal of the Church in greater fidelity to her vocation; such renewal is the driving-force of the movement toward unity".
The Second Vatican Council rehabilitated the deeply traditional concept of the priesthood of all the baptized.
"The baptized, by regeneration and the anointing of the holy Spirit, are consecrated as a spiritual house and a holy priesthood, that through all their Christian activities they may offer spiritual sacrifices and proclaim the marvels of him who has called them out of darkness into his wonderful light (1 Pet 2:4-10).
Sessions: 2 - 2005
Three times in Romans 11, the apostle Paul warns the Gentile Christians of Rome against arrogance (vv. 18, 20, 25).
The apostle tells them, "if some of the branches were broken off [from the cultivated olive tree] and you, a wild olive shoot, were grafted in their place to share the richness of the olive tree" (Rom. 11:17).
They are told: "do not boast over the branches" (Rom. 11:18), that is over the Jews who did not believe in Jesus.
Two questions that can help us to approach Church history: What is Vatican II correcting and restoring?
What is Charismatic Renewal correcting and restoring?
Some say that CR is a corrective to the rationalism of the Enlightenment that weakened faith in the supernatural and the miraculous.
Sessions: 2 - 2014
Two talks given at Austin House of Prayer:
  • Part 1: Israel
  • Part 2: Pope Francis and John 23

Israel doesn’t strike most of us as the heart of our faith. Catholics see this in Israel’s inclusion in the section of the Catechism on Non-Christian Religions (CCC 839).
We don’t generally see what Israel has to do with church renewal. But it’s clear from the scriptures that Israel is not an addendum.
We are faced with the challenge, then, of how to take hold of Israel without "only ever talking about Israel". The "Israel-only" folks miss the bigger picture.
Sessions: 3 - 2008
In my three talks on Israel and the Church, I will speak first about the past, about Israel and the birth of the Church, about Israel and the Church in the New Testament.
In the second talk, I will speak about Israel and the Church today, in particular about the emergence again of the Church of the Circumcision, and in the third talk about Israel and the Church in the future, Israel and the Church in the End-Times and the challenge of Israel for the eschatology of the Church.
In the second talk, I will speak about the Futures.
Sessions: 2 - 2012
In the first session, I aim to set out the problematic: why this question is being asked today.
What are the points in dispute? What is at stake in this debate? What are the main points of reference?
In the second session, I will move towards a resolution by indicating some key principles so that we do not fall into dangerous errors or into an ideological stance.
Az 1. protestáns-katolikus karizmatikus egységkonferenciát a Katolikus Karizmatikus Megújulás (KKM) és a Bethlehem Kulturális Egyesület (BKE) kezdeményezésére Ménfőcsanakon tartottuk 1996-ban.
A konferencia védnökei: dr Marik József, a KKM nemzeti koordinátora, az Emmaus Katolikus Karizmatikus Közösség vezetője és Simonfalvi Lajos, a BKE elnöke, az EPK Logos Gyülekezet vezető lelkésze, a Budapesti Karizmatikus Pásztorkör alapító tagja.
A recording of the 'Maranatha Teaching Day' with Fr Peter Hocken - Israel and the Unity of the Church.
I have chosen this title "Jesus and the Jews: a necessary tragedy?" with a question mark because I want to promote reflection rather than give definitive answers.
I have chosen this topic for two reasons in particular. First, for the last fifty years since Nostra Aetate the priority for the Catholic Church has been establishing relations of trust and friendship with the Jewish community that has suffered so much in the past from our wrong attitudes.
Teaching series from conference in Warsaw with Daniel Lim from IHOPKC.
Sessions: 5 - 2015
Two weekend's teaching on Maranatha Vision
Sessions: 2 - 2016
What is Maranatha and the vision.
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