Father Peter Hocken: Connected - The Reconciliation between Jew and Gentile

Father Peter Hocken: Connected - The Reconciliation between Jew and Gentile

Father Peter Hocken: Connected - The Reconciliation between Jew and Gentile

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Part 2: The Reconciliation between Jew and Gentile
The theme is Connected, based on Ephesians 4.
I want to look at this theme first in the whole epistle to the Ephesians, which is one of the most coherent letters in the Pauline writings.
We can only understand Chapter 4 correctly in the context of the whole letter and especially of the preceding chapters.
I love this letter to the Ephesians. People have told me that my ministry is a big picture ministry, presenting the whole plan of God in its overall coherence and unity.
Ephesians is very much a big picture letter, though it combines this huge vision with much practical teaching.
Fellowship: Strefa Zero
Place: Jaworzno, Poland
Language: English

Series: Part 2 of the series Connected
Category: Word of God

Connected 22
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