Title:All Together in One Place: Theological Papers from the Brighton Conference on World Evangelism
Description:The global pentecostal/charismatic movement, as it launches into the twenty-first century, outdistances current attempts at classification and clarification. Although scholarly theologizing has not been the hallmark of the movement, the current surge of pentecostal/charismatic scholars confounds the accepted antithesis between expressive narrative and reflective theology. Brighton '91, which featured Jurgen Moltmann and the Archbishop of Canterbury, was a symposium unprecedented in the range of participating scholars drawn from six continents. They gave voice to new insights for handling racism, sexism, socioeconomic oppression, and the environment, thus modelling a legitimate post-modern agenda.
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Published date:01.08.1993
Author(s):Peter Hocken; Harold D. Hunter
ISBN 10/13:1850754063 978-1850754060
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